Event Date(s)
Start - Stop Time
Register By October 13, 2016 - 12:00 AM CDT
The registration deadline has passed.
Contact Miles Melka with any questions.
Presenter(s) Miles Melka
Language English

Register for this event and the associated European GT Conference at Conference page.

This free half-day workshop will focus on the creation of GT-SUITE FRMs (Fast Running Engine Models) for a variety of applications, including SiL/HiL/RT. The fundamentals of FRMs will be discussed, and the semi-automated creation of FRMs using the latest FRM Converter tool will be covered. This will be followed by a session on using such models in a general co-simulation environment, with GT as the master platform or with GT as the slave to some other master platform, for MiL and SiL purposes. Finally, the workshop will finish with a session on preparing GT models for HiL applications, including a live demo on a National Instruments HiL system.