Send Files To Gamma Support (Alternative)

Support Request

We are ready to assist you with training and expert regional technical support Gamma Technologies is known for our high-level customer support for our simulation customers.

Your files will be uploaded to Gamma’s DropBox account and the GT employee selected below will be notified. The maximum file size is 2 GB. Please ensure your company security policy allows you to use DropBox services. If your company does not allow transferring file(s) via DropBox or your file is larger than 2GB, please see the following alternatives:

File upload via Google Drive (no file limit)
Direct file upload to Gamma’s web server (file size limit 100MB)

If you have a file larger than 2GB and it is not possible to use the Google Drive option, please break up the file into multiple files. This can be done with a zipping utility, such as 7-Zip or WinRar. More details on that can be found here.