Support Request [Using Dropbox]

If you are working with a specific support team member, please click the “To” menu to select the right contact person.

Please limit your file size to less than 500MB. Anything larger will fail.

Please note that you may not see progress of the file uploading.

If you need to upload a larger file, please break up the file into smaller chunks.  This can be done with a zipping utility, such as 7-Zip or WinRar.

Below are instructions for breaking up a file in WinRar:

  1. Select the file you want to add to an archive. You can do this from right-clicking the file, selecting the WinRar menu, and choosing “Add to Archive.”
  2. In the “Add to Archive” dialog, find the text “Split to volumes, bytes:” on the bottom left side.
  3. In the drop-down below the text, select and type ‘500MB’.
  4. Once you hit OK to create the archive, the archive will be created as multiple files.
  5. Upload each individual file, which will have been created as  The ## will be incremented for each chunk.